I am on a business trip to New York. The temperature here is minus 6 degrees Celsius. It is freezing cold in New York! I have come well prepared on this trip with my thickest coat which makes me feel like I am being wrapped in a cosy duvet. However, with my girth, I probably look like Michelin man wearing that. But who cares – I am warm and toasty!
So there I was, wrapped up in my coat and woolly scarf with my warmest gloves on, walking past Bryant Park towards the Bank of America building. It was only a ten minute walk from the hotel to the building but the biting cold just cut through my coat and my ears were in pain from the cold. I was feeling miserable and contemplated making a detour to buy a pair of ear muffs or one of those ridiculous woolly hats with long ear parts which I have foolishly scorned the last time I bought the warm coat.
And then I came across this sight – a SpongeBob Square Pants postbox. It brought a smile to my face. The cold was forgotten and I just had to laugh and I fished out my phone from my handbag to take a picture to share this sight.
Later that evening, I popped into my favourite department store in New York in search of warm ear protection. As I was already there, I would check out some cool clothes for my boys. That was when I realised this place provides free wifi. Woo hoo!
This means FaceTime conversations can be held across the two continents.
“What do you think of this colour and design? No? How about this one?”
Ha! No more buying stuff the boys do not like. Sadly Mummy’s taste in clothes is sometimes not appreciated.
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