One of my "50 things to do when I am 50" was to be a published author. As with life in general, the ambition dropped by the wayside when more exciting events came along. Until 29 June 2020. Silver Linings is a collection of happy inspiring stories from people around the world, sharing personal reflections and amazing stories that have come out of lockdown. Tom and I co-authored the story of our engagement in April on Tom's 60th birthday. We each wrote our version of the events leading to that ...
Satay Peanut Sauce
The satay peanut sauce is much loved in our household. It goes with almost everything, from the traditional chicken and meat skewers to any vegetable you can lay your hands on. This recipe will give you a decent portion. If you think you have too much, this sauce freezes very well. Defrost in the fridge overnight. The recipe calls for dried chillies. Be careful to buy ones that are on the larger side - ie the size of your fingers. The tiny ones are a different type of chillies and can be ...
Christmas reflection for 2016
Merry Christmas to all our friends and family! Thank you for being part of our lives and making 2016 such a wonderful year. This is the first time for some years that my boys spend Christmas with me and in my mind this is also the last Christmas that we will spend with just the three of us. John leaves us soon to spend 6 months of his gap year in South Africa. And so the last couple of days have been very precious to me. As I reflect on the year, I am incredibly grateful for how things ...
Being Fit whilst Camping
In all my 11 years of coming to New Wine, this has to be my fittest year - I have been at this gym almost every day. Yes, the nerd in me has resulted in too many gadgets that needed charging. The usual places which provided comfy sofas, tea and cakes, were full of teenagers charging their mobiles. So instead of the cream cakes, I am here at the gym pumping iron whilst waiting for my gadgets to charge up. 😆 I think I surprised these guys when I turned up - they had not expected a ...
Online dating apps
After more than 4 years being on my own, I thought it was high time I go meet some men. Well, one of the items on my 50th birthday bucket list is to go on a blind date. As none of my friends have suggested any good candidates, I have taken matters into my own hands and joined a couple of Internet Dating sites. Writing my personal profile has taken a couple of days of reflection and research and I was finally satisfied with what I have tried to convey to my prospective dates. It must have ...
Catching Pokemons
The day my 17 year old son told me that he was going out for a walk caught my attention. My mouth dropped open and I stopped what I was doing to ask him to repeat what he had just said. Nope, I had not misheard him. "Mum, it is so amazing - the train station next to our flat is a Pokemon gym. And I have been round the park and caught 3 Pokemons," John beamed. And that was my introduction to Pokemon Go. I thought the whole technology and concept for the game was utterly clever and amazing. ...
End of an Era This is the end of an era for David - his final day in primary school. And he has won an award for English! Unlike the one for Science two years ago, when his teacher rolled her eyes saying his award was for his curiosity and endless questions (!!!), this time it was pretty complimentary. It was for his outstanding work - "... every piece he produced was highly original and very entertaining, making it an absolute delight to mark." Woohoo! We have ended the ...