One of my "50 things to do when I am 50" was to be a published author. As with life in general, the ambition dropped by the wayside when more exciting events came along. Until 29 June 2020. Silver Linings is a collection of happy inspiring stories from people around the world, sharing personal reflections and amazing stories that have come out of lockdown. Tom and I co-authored the story of our engagement in April on Tom's 60th birthday. We each wrote our version of the events leading to that ...
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Mothering Sunday
When my mother was alive, I had to keep track of 2 lots of Mother's Days. Mothering Sunday in the UK in March or April and the American influenced Mother's Day in May, which is the date that most countries in Asia would celebrate this special day. In the UK the date is set on the fourth Sunday of Lent and is exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday. So every year, without fail, I would have bought a Mother's Day card in March and come May, I would have been frantically looking for the card ...
On being brave and starting a new journey
I love this Mark Twain quote. It encompasses my philosophy in life now - to live a life with no regrets and to dream and explore. For many years, I have not allowed myself to truly dream of my deepest desires. Life was busy with bringing up children and working full time, juggling finances and worrying about the household tasks. The proverbial juggling of too many balls in the air. And one day, I "woke up" and realised that I could not recall how the last ten years of my life had gone by. ...
Do more of what makes you happy
This is one of my many intentions for this special year of my life. Many of the 50 items in my Bucket List will indeed be things that I wish to do more of to make me happy. I have previously lived my life day by day going through the motions of working, cleaning, cooking, sorting out the boys and all the minutiae of running a home and family. And time just flew by and I had no recollection of how the years have gone by. Now I am more mindful about my days - I choose to create ...
Vietnamese Spring Roll Dipping Sauce
I have a Vietnamese uncle who is a fantastic cook. This is a recipe I inherited from him that will go very well with the fried Vietnamese spring rolls or the Vietnamese summer rolls. ...