I have driven to Bristol for a property training course over the weekend. This is my first trip into Bristol and I am staying in an area called Clifton. It is a gorgeous part of Bristol with beautiful buildings with lovely architecture.
I am staying at the Rodney Hotel which is a small old fashioned little independent hotel. Typically of hotels in Britain, my single room is very, very small indeed. “There is no room to swing a cat” is the expression that came to mind when I first arrived in the room.
I travel a lot for work on my own. Breakfast or any meal when travelling on your own can still be a little bit awkward. What do you do whilst waiting to be served? Look around at all the other diners? That would seem a bit rude. I used to bring along a newspaper or a book just to have something to do with my eyes and hands. Many years ago when I was travelling 2 months at a go, I went through a lot of books.
These days I am grateful for the iPad – I have the news, my Kindle books and Facebook all in one gadget. It is my trusted product to stop looking awkward in the dining room.
Unlike a large hotel chain, breakfast in this little hotel is quite different. The dining room is pretty and feels intimate. And the English clientele here is so sweet – they politely greeted everyone “Good morning” in the dining room, including me!
So I made sure I greeted every newcomer in the dining room a “Good morning” too. One must keep up with the local custom…..
Best of all, it was a very nice thing to do and I felt good. What a lovely way to start the day!
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