Why do mosquitoes like me so much?
After the bed bugs from Padang Besar, I have now been attacked by mosquitos lots on my legs. John and David are not bitten as much, but poor John is reacting badly to a bite on his arm. He is now on antibiotics after the surrounding area became red and hot.
I counted all my itchy spots and they total 26 bites. Alex on the other hand has only 1 red bite. I have a theory why he has only one. He has such hairy arms and legs, the mosquitoes could not even reach the surface of his skin! No, don’t even suggest that I acquire hairy arms and legs ….
I take the view that I must be so much sweeter than the other 3 boys. Sigh …. if only I am as attractive to a different species that is not of the bugs variety …
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