More trains – second class berth this time to Chiangmai.
Second class travel makes it a very sociable event. You meet and talk to your neighbours.
In Asia, it is very hot outside but indoors, it can be so frigidly cold!!! Asians can be overly enthusiastic with the air-conditioning. Here we are in the train cocooned in our sweaters and jumpers. If you do travel to Asia, don’t forget to pack your jumper too!
Seats converted to beds – the lower bunk is almost as wide as a single bed. Hmm … At least it is nice and warm inside.
The train carriage is older and first thing I checked was the toilet. Ahhh … pretty clean. It has the Thai style squat toilet and one can also see the train tracks at the bottom of the hole! I must insist that John accompanies his brother to the loo. Thoughts of unmentionable mishaps abound.
The seats are much narrower but there is space for our bags next to us.
Best of all, our seat is next to the only socket point in the whole carriage. Here we are charging our phones – just can’t do without our gadgets
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