We have stayed in a variety of hotels from small, old ones full of history to modern hotels. This hotel takes the prize for the most awesome first impression. Truly lovely decor in the room. We did not have time to visit this town which is pretty large with a prominent university. We wandered round to a steak place for dinner - this was the most expensive meal to date. However, the quality of the steak was excellent. ...
Colourful Sighișoara
We stayed the night in Sighișoara, a town in Transylvania. We wandered around the town in the evening and we noticed how colourful all the buildings are. It is a pretty town with interesting architecture and roof tops. As with many of our previous hotels, this hotel is very old, with worn wooden floors and heavy wooden doors. This place gave us keys for our bedroom doors, not magnetic cards! This little old hotel also served the best selection of dried tea leaves and flowers and home-made ...
Medias – family and home town
Medias is a small town where Alex spent most of his school days and his family home is here, as are some relatives. We timed our journey today to arrive here in time to pick up Alex's brother from school to take him with us to Cluj where we will visit the salt mines on the next day. Our lunch was at a large restaurant situated at the top of a hill, next to a wooded nature reserve. Today I ordered the stuffed cabbage as this is the first time I see it on the menu. I was surprised Alex did not ...
Bran Castle in Transylvania
We had a great afternoon visiting the infamous Bran Castle of the Dracula notoriety. The entrance leading up to the grounds of the castle was busy with many souvenir shops selling all things related to Dracula. As with all castles, it is nestled on the side of a hill and in this instance the path leading up to the actual castle was incredibly steep. We had a good work-out walking up - it certainly felt like someone had cranked up the gym running machine to a 30 degree incline!!! Walking ...
Peleș Castle – a fairytale castle
Peleș Castle reminds me of the old fairy tales - of beautiful princesses and handsome princes. It is a Neo-Renaissance castle in the Carpathian Mountains and is absolutely beautiful in my eyes. The drive through the mountains this morning reminded me of my many drives up the Alps many years ago - a myriad of hairpin turns and glimpses of the valley below should one miss the turn!!! We parked our car halfway up the long drive and walked the rest of the way. The walk took us up a cobblestone ...